Should your contact details change, please complete the form attached below and return to the school office. Paper copies are also available by request at the school office.
The form can also be linked directly here:
We expect every pupil's attendance at school to be 100% unless there are exceptional circumstances or unavoidable reasons for absence.Parents do not have any legal entitlement to take their child on holiday during term time.
It is the Headteacher who decides whether a period of leave during term time will be authorised or not in line with legislation. The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (amended in September 2013) make it clear the Headteachers cannot grant any leave of absence during term time unless 'exceptional circumstances' exist.
Every request for leave of absence during term time will reviewed on an individual basis with due consideration of the circumstances but the Headteacher can only grant leave of absence if they consider exceptional circumstances apply. If the exceptional circumstances are agreed, the Headteacher will determine the length of the absnece to be authorised.
All requests for leave of absence should be made in advance and before any arrangements are confirmed or money committed. A form, available from the school office, must be completed in full by the parent who intends to remove the pupil from school during term time. Failure to make a request for a leave of absence in advance will result in the absence taken being recorded as unauthorised.
Please come into the school office to complete a leave of absence request form.
Some Children, whilst fit to attend school, may require medicines prescribed by their doctor during school hours. In addition, it may be necessary for children with long term complaints or chronic illness such as asthma, diabetes or certain allergies to receive medicine which may not be prescription based.
In order for medication to be administered in school, a form must be completed. A form is attached below and paper copies can be requested at the school office.
Please hand in all medication to the school office each morning.
The form can also be linked directly here:
When your child reaches Years 4, 5 and 6 we give you the opportunity to give them permission to leave school unaccompanied.
To support this, we issue a walk alone pass which the children will need to have with them at all times so our growing number of staff are aware of which children are allowed to leave school unaccompanied.
If you are meeting your child halfway home they will still need to leave school unaccompanied and therefore will need one of our Hunnyhill passes.
If you would like your child to leave school unaccompanied, please fill in the attached form below. Please note that if at any time you need to change the arrangements, you must inform the school office in writing.
The form can also be linked directly here: